Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Confessions of an (Ex-)Go-Go Dancer

Confessions of an (Ex-)Go-Go Dancer:

The final frontier

All blogs have their day in the sun, and this one is, frankly, getting a little long in the tooth. I've had more than my share of sexual misadventures, and now I'm just working on settling down. It's not all that fun to spectate at this point, I fear.

On top of that, I really need to stop diddling with this website and get a new damn job. I can't say the blog (and the dancing) haven't helped a little with the job search, but at this point, they've done all they can do.

So this blog, which might be my one chance at fame (other than the numerous nude photos of me circulating on the Internet) is nearing its end. I'm sad about the end of my power trip, but frankly, given the effluvium of mean-spirited comments of late, it'll be nice to stop wondering what anonymous porn surfers think of me. Now I can be one of those porn surfers, inflicting my judgment on optimistic striplings.


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