Thursday, October 26, 2006

Commendation or crimiticism: Let the comments decide

Gay Ex-Gov. McGreevey Wants to Marry; Issue Goes to Lawmakers -- towleroad:


Ex-Gov. McCreepy is a typical politican. He is a proven serial adulterer and liar. He cheated before he will surely cheat again. He was forced to resign not because he was a "gay American" as he claimed but because he abused his office and endanged his constituents by putting his wholly unqualified fuckbuddy into a critical public safety position. He deserves continued condemnation from all upstanding gay Americans.

Posted by: rudy | Oct 26, 2006 2:42:12 PM

I second that.

Posted by: DC8 Stretch | Oct 26, 2006 2:45:58 PM

I never felt endangered by anything Governor McGreevey did. I feel threatened every day be GWB. McGreevey used poor judgement in his choices but I won't condemn him. He lives in my neighbourhood and the gay community of Plainfield have welcomed him.

Posted by: LiamOg | Oct 26, 2006 2:55:18 PM

Make that deserves condemnation from ALL americans, gay and straight. He regrets not having the fortitude? Try not having a spine or any balls.

Posted by: patrick nyc | Oct 26, 2006 2:56:49 PM

I wonder if he'll invite his ex-wife.

Posted by: FizziekruntNT | Oct 26, 2006 3:03:34 PM

McGreevy is a hypocritical piece of slime, i.e a politician. He used his gayness as subterfuge for his corruption while in office. "I am a gay American" Blech! And right away, the gay community called him brave and courageous and fell for it hook, line and stinker. Wonder what their reaction would have been if he was ugly?

Posted by: soulbrotha | Oct 26, 2006 3:03:36 PM

"He is a proven serial adulterer and liar."--Rudy

Jesus, Rudy, I know you're a Republican, but can't you have even a little empathy? Were you never in the closet? Never once lied to anyone about being gay? If so, my hat's off to you, but most of us mortals had to struggle with the issue once or twice. I would certainly urge any gay man who felt he had to get married to realize there are alternatives, but I can't condemn someone merely because of that. When our relationships are recognized in this society as the equal of straights', then let's talk. But we're a long way from that, even in NJ.

Posted by: Glenn | Oct 26, 2006 3:03:49 PM

Make that 4 for those who cannot stand MCgreasy. He only found the fortitude to come out after a newspaper found his boyfriend getting an inexplicable position in his administration. He's no role model for anyone - gay or straight. As a lifelong Democrat/liberal, he makes my blood boil.

Posted by: Marco | Oct 26, 2006 3:04:47 PM

I wonder if he labored this much when discussing his plans to marry each of his two wives: one of whom he isn't yet divorced from

I mean really, he sounds like he's laboring over every word instead of proudly proclaiming his love for, and desire to marry, his boyfriend.

I notice this discomfort in a lot of previously, opposite-sex, married gay men when talking about committing to their male partners.

I also notice that "ex-wife" is a term that carries more legitimacy than anything (other than husband) that a man can call the male love of his life, no matter how long they've been together.

My best friend calls his "ex" his kids' mother. He has a very good relationship with her but he realizes that the term "ex-wife" in our society puts his boyfriend in a secondary position of legitimacy. She completely understands and certainly takes no offense to being called their children's mother. His kids' mom is a wonderful person and is very close to him AND his husband.

Some people believe that words are words and we shouldn't read anything into them. I have always been of the opinion that words are powerful and their thoughtful use or careless misuse makes a difference.

Posted by: Zeke | Oct 26, 2006 3:05:49 PM

Seriously, I don't think McGreevey is one to be speaking on the value of marriage.

Posted by: Anita Woodward | Oct 26, 2006 3:07:44 PM

Or Dina, for that matter. One ex wife, one not-quite-divorced-yet wife, and the new love of his life. My, my, my. And just how does the state law deal with the fact that the paramour's object of desire is an Australian? Doesn't he need to be a citizen of the U.S. to legally get hitched? Or working toward citizenship? What a can of worms.

Posted by: FizziekruntNT | Oct 26, 2006 3:10:31 PM

Fizzie, I don't know where you're getting that from, but no, you don't have to be a US citizen to get married here.

Posted by: Glenn | Oct 26, 2006 3:22:36 PM

I do not condemn McCreepy because he got married even though he is gay. I condemn him because he cheated on his wives. It does not matter to me that he cheated on his wives with other women or men. It's the cheating that deserves condemnation not the gender of the person with whom the adulterer is cheating. And I am fortunate. Coming out was never a problem for me but I relaize that it can be a very difficult process for others. I have always been who I am and never felt the need to announce anything so obvious as my sexual preference. I assume that the vast majority of people are sensate beings and have not had frontal lobotomies. But I repeat, I am very fortunate. My huge family of Hispanic Catholic cowboys has always accepted me the way I am. Hell, my Dad's a cattle rancher and told all his bud's that I "lettered" in ballet at Julliard! Moreover, I found the love of my life almost thirty years ago. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for him. Most of my gay brethren are not so well treated by their familes or by societey at large. Mistreatment, however, does not absolve us of moral behaviour. When we commit to someone we should honor that commitment regardless of gender. That is the way to build societal support for same-sex realtionships.

Posted by: rudy | Oct 26, 2006 3:28:38 PM

Hey Glen A lot of us may have "struggled" with who we are but we did not go out and marry two women to hide and sleep around with guys behind their backs.
How Long has he known this guy for anyway? I just hope his man's money doesn't run out because McGreasey will be right behinf it. Before he talks about a third marriage he should divorce his current spouse.

Posted by: hephaestion | Oct 26, 2006 3:30:43 PM