Sunday, October 22, 2006

World of WOW

World of WOW:

We at World of Wonder pride ourselves on being champions of the eccentric, the bizarre, the kooky, the outlandish, the subversive, the outcast, and all things that exist on the fringe of society. We believe that the underground of today is the mainstream of tomorrow, and that the true innovators of the present are found not at the crest of pop culture, but lie just underneath, creating the groundswell for the next great wave. It is our goal to bring into the spotlight those people and ideas that now reside at the edge of civilization. This is our manifesto, and these are our beliefs:

We believe that there is an artist inside all of us (but usually a bad one).
We believe that imagination is second only to good looks.
We believe the superficial is the most profound.
We believe that soup cans are art.
We believe that celebrity is the disease of the 21st century.

We believe that everyone is the star of their own musical.
We believe that children should be named after consumer products.
We believe genocide is a lousy way to solve demographic problems.
We believe that history belongs to those who write it.

We believe that beauty is on the outside (and if you don't believe us just peel off your skin).
We believe we are living in the age of the thing.
We believe that chartreuse is the new yellow.
We believe that salmon can be served with either red or white wine.
We believe the children are the future.

We believe your car is your suit.
We believe that Las Vegas is the pinnacle of modern architecture.
We believe that video did not kill the radio star, but only hurt her feelings.
We believe in the sixteenth minute.
We believe that the television is a good device for raising your children.

We believe that two wrongs almost invariably make a right.
We believe that you should never drink the water in Mexico.
We believe that the glass is neither half empty nor half full, but simply confused.

We believe that modern life is rubbish.
We believe the wrapping's the thing.
We believe that a man should be allowed to marry his horse (but only if the horse can speak and voices its consent).
We believe in the emptiness of emptiness.
We believe that the missionary position is best left to missionaries.

We believe glamour is where you are not.
We believe that the mullet never got the attention it deserved.
We believe that seltzer water is primed for a comeback.
We believe that Elvis is dead, but probably preserving nicely.

And finally...

We believe that you should never, ever turn off your tv.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly words to live by.

2:09 AM  

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